Άρθρα Δημοσιευμένα σε Διεθνή Περιοδικά |
- PAVLOPOULOU, M.E. and GEORGIANNOU, V.N. (2021). ‘The effect of colloidal silica aqueous gel on the monotonic and cyclic response of sands’. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE.
- TRIANTAFYLLOS, P.K., GEORGIANNOU, V.N., PAVLOPOULOU, M.E. and DAFALIAS, Y.F. (2021). ‘’Strength and dilatancy of sand before and after stabilisation with colloidal-silica gel’’. Géotechnique, doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.19.P.123
- TASIOPOULOU, P., CHALOULOS, Y., GEROLYMOS, N., GIANNAKOU, A., CHACKO, J. (2021), “Cyclic lateral response of OWT bucket foundations in sand: 3D coupled effective stress analysis with Ta-Ger model”, Soils and Foundations, 61(2), pp. 371-385, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sandf.2020. 12.002
- ZALACHORIS, G., ZEKKOS, D., ATHANASOPOULOS-ZEKKOS, A., GEROLYMOS, N. (2021), “The Role of Liquefaction on the Seismic Response of Quay Walls during the 2014 Cephalonia, Greece, Earthquakes”, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE.
- ANTHI, M., GEROLYMOS, N. (2021), “A Wave Propagation Algorithm for Nonlinear Site Response Analysis of Layered Soil accounting for Liquefaction”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering.
- TRIANTAFYLLOS, P.K., GEORGIANNOU, V.N., DAFALIAS, Y.F., GEORGOPOULOS, I.-O. (2020). ‘’New findings on the evolution of the instability surface of loose sand’’. Acta Geotechnica, Vol. 15, No 1, pp. 197-221. DOI: 10.1007/s11440-019-00887-7
- TRIANTAFYLLOS, P.K., GEORGIANNOU, V.N., DAFALIAS, Y.F., GEORGOPOULOS, I.-O. (2020). ‘’Novel findings on the dilatancy and non-coaxiality of sand under generalised loading’’. Acta Geotechnica, DOI: 10.1007/s11440-020-01100-w
- NSUBUYA, S., TSAKIRI, M., GEORGIANNOU, V. N. (2020). ‘’A smart decision tool for the prediction of tunnel crown displacements’’. Applied Geomatics Journal, DOI: 10.1007/s12518-020-00304-9
- GEORGIANNOU, V.N., PAVLOPOULOU, E.M., CHORTIS, F.C. (2020). ‘’Aqueous Gel in Sands; a Friend or Foe?’’. Geotechnical Engineering Journal, Vol. 51, No 3, pp. 37-43.
- KASSAS K., ADAMIDIS O., GEROLYMOS N., ANASTASOPOULOS I. (2020), “Numerical modelling of a structure with shallow strip foundation during earthquake-induced liquefaction”, Geotechnique, https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.19.P.277
- GEROLYMOS N., GIANNAKOS S., DROSOS V. (2020), “Generalized Failure Envelope for Laterally Loaded Piles: Analytical Formulation, Numerical Verification, Experimental Validation”, Geotechnique, 70 (3), 248-267.
- GEORGIOU, I., LOLI, M., KOURKOULIS, R., GAZETAS, G., (2020). ‘’Pullout of steel grids in dense sand: experiments and design insights’’, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002358.
- KANELLOPOYLOS, K., GAZETAS, G., (2020). ‘’Vertical static and dynamic pile-to-pile interaction in non-linear soil’’, Géotechnique,70, No. 5, 432–447 [https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.18.P.303.
- GARINI, E., GAZETAS, G., ANASTASOPOULOS, I., (2020). ’’Soil, basin and soil-building-soil interaction effects on motions of Mexico City during seven earthquakes’’, Géotechnique,70, No. 7, 581–607 [https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.18.P.314.
- MUCCIACCIARO, M., GEROLYMOS, N., SICA, S. (2020), “Seismic response of caisson-supported bridge piers on viscoelastic soil”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 139, 106341, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2020.106341
- SAKELLARIADIS, L., ANASTASOPOULOS, I., GAZETAS, G. (2020). ‘Fukae bridge collapse (Kobe 1995) revisited: New insights’, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 60, No 6, pp 1450 – 1467.
- ALTUHAFI, F.N., JARDINE, R.J., GEORGIANNOU, V.N., MOINET, W.W., CIANTIA, M.O., ARROYO, M., GENS, A. (2019). ‘’Effects of particle breakage and stress reversal on the behaviour of sand around displacement piles’’. Geotechnique, Vol. 69, No 11, pp. 1029-1030. DOI: 10.1680/jgeot.18.D.010
- EFTHYMIOU, G., GAZETAS, G. (2019). ‘Elastic stiffnesses of a rigid suction caisson and its cylindrical sidewall shell’, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 145, No 21, DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0002013
- PAPADOPOULOU, K., GAZETAS, G. (2019). ‘Eccentricity Effects on Bearing Capacity of Strip and Square Footings on Two-Layered Clay’, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 37, No 5, pp 4099 – 41201.
- QIN, C.B., CHIAN, S.C., GAZETAS, G. (2019). ‘Kinematic analysis of seismic slope stability with discretisation technique and pseudo-dynamic approach: A new perspective’, Geotechnique, Vol. 69, No 11, pp 1031 – 1033.
- TATSIS, A., LOLI, M., GAZETAS, G. (2019). ‘Pipeline in dense sand subjected to tectonic deformation from normal or reverse faulting’, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Vol.127, Article number 105780.
- GEORGIANNOU, V.N., COOP, M.R., ALTUHAFI, F.N., LEFAS, D.I. (2018). ”Compression and strength characteristics of two silts of low and high plasticity”. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE. Vol 144, No 7, art. no. 04018041, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001891
- GEORGIANNOU, V.N., LEFAS, D., KONSTADINOU, M., PERRAKI, M., VILLALOBOS, F.A. (2018). ‘’Discussion: Geotechnical properties of a natural zeolite’’. Geotechnical Engineering Journal, ICE, Vol. 171, No 6, pp. 556-558. DOI: 10.1680/jgeen.18.00113
- GEORGIANOU, V.N., KONSTADINOU, M., TRIANTAFYLLOS, P. (2018). ”Sand behavior under stress states involving principal stress rotation”. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE, Vol.144, No 6,, art. no. 04018028, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001878
- ALTUHAFI, F., JARDINE, R.J., GEORGIANNOU, V.N. and, MOINET, W.W. (2018). ”Effects of particle breakage and stress reversal on the behaviour of sand around displacement piles”. Geotechnique, Vol. 68, No 6, pp. 546-555., DOI: 10.1680/jgeot.17.P.117
- GAZETAS, G., DAIS, D., GELAGOTI, F., KOURKOULIS, R. (2018). ‘Multistory building frames and shear walls founded on “Rocking” spread footings’, Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 46, pp 319-322.
- GARINI, E., GAZETAS, G., ZIOTOPOULOU, K. (2018). ‘Inelastic soil amplification in three sites during the Tokachi-oki MJMA 8.0 earthquake’, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 110, pp 300 – 317.
- LOLI, M., KOURKOULIS, R., GAZETAS, G. (2018). ‘Physical and numerical modeling of hybrid foundations to mitigate seismic fault rupture effects’ Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 144, No 111, Article number 04018083.
- TSATSIS, A., GELAGOTI, F., GAZETAS, G. (2018). ‘Performance of a buried pipeline along the dip of a slope experiencing accidental sliding’ Geotechnique, Vol. 68, No 11, pp 968 – 988.
- DAKOULAS, P., VAZOURAS, P., KALLIOGLOU, P., GAZETAS, G. (2018). ‘Effective-stress seismic analysis of a gravity multi-block quay wall’, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 115, pp 378 – 393.
- GALAGOTI, F., GEORGIOU, I., KOURKOULIS, R., GAZETAS, G. (2018). ‘Nonlinear lateral stiffness and bearing capacity of suction caissons for offshore wind-turbines’, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 170, pp 445 – 465.
- GEORGIANNOU, V.N., LEFAS, D., KONSTADINOU, M. and PERRAKI, M. (2017). “Geotechnical properties of a natural zeolite”. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ICE, Vol. 170, No 5, pp. 395-406. DOI: 10.1680/jgeen.16.00157
- GEORGIANNOU, V.N., PAVLOPOULOU, M.E. and BIKOS, Z. (2017). “Mechanical Behaviour of Sand Stabilised with Colloidal Silica”. Journal of Geotechnical Research, ICE, Vol. 4, No 1, pp. 1-11.. DOI: 10.1680/jgere.16.00017
- GEORGIANNOU, V.N., SERAFIS, A. and V.N., PAVLOPOULOU, M.E. (2017). “Analysis of a vertical segmental shaft using 2D & 3D finite element codes”. International Journal of Geomate, Vol. 13, No 36, pp. 138-146, ISSN:2186-2990, Japan. DOI: 10.21660/2017.36.88
- GARINI E., GAZETAS G., ANASTASOPOULOS I.,(2017).”Evidence of significant forward rupture directivity aggravated by soil response in an Mw6 earthquake, and the effect on monuments”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics.
- NIKOLAOU, S, ANTONAKI, N., KOURKOULIS, R., GELAGOTI, F., GEORGIOU, E., GAZETAS, G. (2017). ‘Geotechnical Engineering Challenges in the Path to Resilient Infrastructure’ Geotechnical Special Publication, Issue GSP 283, Geo-Risk 2017: Reliability-Based Design and Code Developments.
- ALTUHAFI, F.N., COOP, M. R. and GEORGIANNOU, V.N. (2016). “Effect of particle shape on the mechanical behavior of natural sands”. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE, Vol. 142, No. 12, 04016071.
- TASIOPOULOU P., GEROLYMOS N. (2016), “Constitutive Modelling of Sand: A Progressive Calibration Procedure accounting for Intrinsic and Stress-Induced Anisotropy”, Geotechnique, 66 (9), 754-770.
- ZAFEIRAKOS A., GEROLYMOS N. (2016), “Bearing Strength Surface for Bridge Caisson Foundations in Frictional Soil under Combined Loading”, Acta Geotechnica, 11(5), 1189-1208.
- SOULIOTIS C., GEROLYMOS N. (2016), “Seismic Effective Stress Analysis of Quay Wall in Liquefiable Soil: The Case History of Kobe”, International Journal of Geomate, 10(2), 1770-1775.
- TASIOPOULOU P., GEROLYMOS N. (2016), “Constitutive Modeling of Sand: Formulation of a New Plasticity Approach”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 82, 205-221.
- SMYROU E., BAL I.E., TASIOPOULOU P., AND GAZETAS G.(2016). “Wavelet analysis for relating soil amplification and liquefaction effects with seismic performance of precast structures”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, DOI: 10.1002/eqe.2701.
- FADAEE, M., EZZATYAZDI, P., ANASTASOPOULOS, I., GAZETAS, G. (2016). ‘Mitigation of reverse faulting deformation using a soil bentonite wall: Dimensional analysis, parametric study, design implications’, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 89, pp 248 – 261.
- GAZETAS, G., GARINI, E., ZAFEIRAKOS, A. (2016). ‘Seismic analysis of tall anchored sheet-pile walls’, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 91, pp 209 – 2211.
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